Stadion DE VEEN, Veenderweg, 3550 Heusden
How to access the stadium?
From Brussels/Leuven (approx. 80 km):
Follow the E 314 from Leuven towards Genk up to exit 27 Heusden-Zolder. At the exit, go right towards Heusden-Zolder. Follow the “KBC Nacht” arrows.
From Antwerp (approx. 65 km):
Omwille van WEGENWERKEN aan de E313 ter hoogte van Geel in de richting van Hasselt, is het sterk aan te raden dat iedereen die vanuit het westen van het land komt, niet via Antwerpen rijdt maar wel via Brussel.
Follow the E 313 /A13 towards Hasselt approx. 56 km to exit 26 Beringen-Paal – turn right on the N29 towards Beringen – stay on the N29 for about 2.5 km until the traffic lights (just past the bridge of the Albertkanaal) in Beringen- turn right on the N72 towards HEUSDEN – stay on the N72 for approx. 4 km. There are signs as from the traffic lights in Beringen: follow the “KBC Nacht” arrows.
From Eindhoven (approx. 55 km):
From Eindhoven follow the signs towards Hasselt until the traffic lights at the junction of the N715 with the N719 in Helchteren (= approx. 6 km past Hechtel) – turn right here and take the N719 towards Heusden-Zolder – follow the N719 for 8 km until the church of HEUSDEN center. From here on, follow the “KBC Nacht” arrows.
From Heerlen (approx. 40 km):
Follow the E314 towards Antwerp for approx. 40km- until exit 28 (N72) Beringen/Heusden-Zolder – turn left on the N72 and drive approx. 4 km to Heusden. Follow the “KBC Nacht” signs.
- Parking Buitingweg (Finse piste)
- Parking Bielen: Kapelstraat 168, 3550 Heusden-Zolder